A house fire is one of the most devastating incidents a family may experience. The feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to help can truly take a toll. Once the fire is contained, trusting in a fire restoration company can help ease your mind. Professionals know best how to deal with fire and smoke damage, including the dangers of working inside an affected property.
Smoke Goes Everywhere
With a house fire, smoke tends to go everywhere. Most of us understand the concept that smoke travels, but the reality is more intense. Even a small kitchen fire can lead to extensive smoke damage in other areas of the home. Did you know that smoke is actually made of particles from the fire? This particulate includes toxic chemicals that become airborne and circulate throughout your home.
For safety and the best results, smoke restoration requires the proper tools, equipment, and know-how to handle.
More Time, More Damage
Dealing with an extensive fire often requires emergency services. Unfortunately, the longer a fire sits, the more damage it causes, and the more smoke is produced. Smoke is quite harmful and it should never be underestimated.
If you have some damage, waiting is the worst thing you could do. Smoke damage leads to gross odors, discoloration, and corrosion.
Special Equipment and Know-How
Because smoke damage tends to be more invasive than a fire, it requires professional equipment and know-how to clean. Most people do not know that there are multiple types of smoke, including wet, dry, protein, and fuel-oil smoke. Depending on the type, specific methods must be utilized promptly for the best results.
It’s best to leave smoke restoration to the professionals who can easily identify the type of smoke and provide the right tools!
Contact Us
When it comes to smoke restoration in Durham, only trust the best. Call Restoration 1 of Durham.
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